February 19, 2025

About Us

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Welcome to bharat18 news digital platform which is now a year-old and has been refurbished with more visual content and a smart lay-out designed after receiving feedback from our readers, critics and writers.

The aim to launch a new digital platform is to track and document important changes in key areas which a diverse and young nation like India is experiencing. Cutting away shrill, divisive opinions, we hope to act as a catalyst for generating ideas that will encourage a lively discussion on important parameters that concern a majority of people cutting across regions.

Socio-economic issues pertaining to sectors like health, education, environment, legal, and culture pose serious concern to the entire bandwidth of the citizenry. It will be our attempt to focus on news stories and reports that reflect ground realities. As the government remains the biggest agent of bringing about social and economic development, it will be our attempt to be informative and at the same time provide a critical appreciation and examination of the government policies. An internally secure, peaceful and stable India is the prime pre-requisite for socio-economic development. India also has to build up credible and strong defence on its borders and try to be self-reliant in defence.

India is a land of diversity and interesting contradictions – launching a mission to Mars, being a responsible nuclear power and being an IT and digital global power but still lacking in providing some basic amenities to its citizens. Though women have broken many glass ceilings, they have not become equal partners in socio-economic progress. Poor and marginalized and people in rural areas have been left out in the economic inclusiveness, posing a big challenge to the government in the world’s largest democracy. Tracking and documenting these contradictions and changes present a challenge, and in our own humble way we hope to make a beginning to meet it.

When a debate raged amidst us on these issues, it became the reason for the launching of bharat18.in, an attempt to be an independent, unbiased, informative and lively platform with commitment to values enshrined in our Constitution. The aim is to bring ground reports, and analytical stories to the fore and as digital India promises to usher in interesting times, the narrative also needs to be changed in a constructive way. As we get resources, our coverage will also grow and acquire new depth. Till then, read us on the web, on the move on your smartphone, share our stories and also tweet and re-tweet. Also, send us your feedback.

Parent Company : Xpert Times Network Private Limited